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I do a lot of feature-type projects that often take a lot of time but don't fit cleanly with any of my seasonal or regular work around here. I put the one-shot projects under the "spotlight" label, so I've got my convenient script here with a link to all of those. But first, here are some of my notable multi-post projects, along with a few important one-shot reference posts.


2013 Upfronts Coverage - Previewing and reviewing the networks' fall schedules around their releases in May

First Two Weeks - Breaking down the first two weeks of each new scripted show on broadcast, plus a renew/cancel prediction

The Top 10 TV Ratings Moments - A late December tradition examining the year's top 10 events in TV ratings

Demos Year-to-Year - Breakdowns of every show's ratings performance vs. one year ago (most of this info is now in the daily tables)

List of Cable Syndication Deals - Dollars per episode counts for recent shows syndicated on cable

Network Season Averages in the 2000s - Um... see the title?

The Definitive Sports TV Ratings Post - Yearly comparison of the championship series ratings for the four major American professional sports, plus college football and basketball

Peetooplus - My 2009 attempt to "prove" the value of the 18-49 demo by charting publicly available ad rates info against total viewership and 18-49 demo averages, plus some subsequent updates

The "CW Demo" - Looking at the so-called "CW demo" of women 18-34, lining up shows on the CW and similar networks in the number, and questioning its value to advertisers

Ad Rates - Related to the above two, but also some other observations to come out of my ad rates studies

Breaking Down "Live + Same Day" - A full week of Live + Same Day ratings broken down into their Live and Same Day components

Gender in TV Ratings - Comparing a full week of men 18-49 and women 18-49 ratings

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