Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Breakdown: CBS Wednesday in 2023-24 (Survivor, The Amazing Race and more!)

It's time for a journey through the CBS Wednesday schedule in 2023-24...


2022-23SurvivorThe Amazing Race114
2023-24SurvivorThe Amazing Race156 (+69%)
210 (+24%)102 (+28%)
210 (+24%)156 (+69%)102 (+28%)


Citing the writers' strike, CBS finally expanded Survivor to regular 90-minute episodes for the first time in series history, and was handsomely rewarded for its efforts. Both Survivor and The Amazing Race surged in the almost scripted-free fall landscape, with Survivor clearly emerging as the dominant force in broadcast primetime entertainment.


2022-23The Price Is Right At NightLingoTough As Nails94
2023-24The Price Is Right At NightLet's Make a Deal PrimetimeFBI True87 (-8%)
121 (-7%)91 (+3%)47 (-27%)


Game shows again filled the gap between Survivor/TAR seasons. Most of CBS' decline can be attributed to the 10/9c hour, where CBS began airing new episodes of the previously Paramount+ original FBI True.


2022-23SurvivorFBI (R)True Lies92
2023-24SurvivorThe Amazing Race148 (+166%)
198 (+19%)98 (+86%)
198 (+19%)148 (+166%)98 (+86%)


Survivor was up almost as much year-to-year in the spring. The Amazing Race held up quite well airing two cycles in a season for the first time since 2015-16.

Rating the Ratings

Survivor Fall*0.70.800.8+10%210megahit+24%detail
The Price Is Right At Night0.30.390.5-26%103hit(sum)-17%
Survivor Spring*0.60.750.8+6%197big hit+19%detail
Let's Make a Deal Primetime0.20.280.4

The Amazing Race Fall*0.30.390.4+5%102solid+18%detail
The Amazing Race Spring*0.30.370.4
FBI True0.20.180.2

Survivor Fall: It was Survivor's first megahit season since 2004, and the highest-rated season in Plus since season two all the way back in 2001. Still got a long way to go to reach those first two seasons (259/258) but it's hard to completely count it out with the way it's trending. Not quite freakish enough for the elusive A+ but if it has the same growth next season and gets to those season one/two levels I will strongly consider it. Grade: A.

Survivor Spring: See above. Grade: A.

The Amazing Race Fall: Much like Dancing with the Stars, this is on the verge of A territory but I need to take it down a notch just to denote it was less impressive than Survivor and The Bachelor (and it was surely helped along by the Survivor heat). Grade: A-.

The Amazing Race Spring: See above. Grade: A-.

The names in this last table link to the shows' War of 18-49 pages. Links with an asterisk(*) have been updated with the new info. Updates to younger shows will come later in the summer.

Previous Breakdowns for CBS Wednesday: 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23

Here's the now updated Schedules Plus for CBS Wednesday.

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