Rating: 2.0
Lead-in: Criminal Minds (2.7 overall, 2.6 at 9:30)
Competition: Nashville (1.6 before Nielsen revision), Chicago PD (1.5).
Rating: 1.7 (-15%)
Lead-in: Criminal Minds (2.3 overall).
Competition: Nashville (1.5 before Nielsen revision), Chicago PD (1.5).
Will this show get a second season? You make the call!
To play the game, here are your submission choices:
1) "Renew (Not Confident)" or "Cancel (Not Confident)": +1 point for a win, 0 points for a loss.
2) "Renew (Confident)" or "Cancel (Confident)": +2 points for a win, -2 points for a loss.
These choices must be locked by Thursday, October 16 at 6:00 am ET.
3) You may also guess "Renew" or "Cancel" after the deadline, up to exactly one week later. ALL guesses in this period will be worth +1 point for a win and -1 point for a loss. You can NOT change a guess after the deadline if you submitted before the deadline.
Cancel (Confident). Maybe it'll get a full season pickup, but by the end of the season I can't see it looking renew-worthy.
Doesn't look like it has a chance to make it to 88, which for CBS likely means they don't get it past 22. Cancel (Confident). Not very confident, though!
Cancel (confident). I don't see CBS renewing all of their marginal 10 PM dramas and this one is clearly the most disadvantaged, being a first-year show.
Cancel (confident). I have to say though that I am starting to believe going confident against Madam Secretary. Maybe yesterday's numbers change this for me again, but I thought last week's uptick was decent enough for a third week and I honestly am not sure how could CBS have expected much better. In Stalker's case though, I think they clearly should have expected much better considering the lead-in and the competition that set up the show so well.
Cancel confident.
Cancel (confident).
I agree with roare93, with all 10 PM dramas being at roughly same (pretty low) level, rookie with no syndication income is clearly one that will be axed. Moreover, I'm 99% sure Stalker won't get back 9 order. Some other year, maybe. But given Scorpion and NCIS: New Orleans are clearly outrating it, plus CBS having 3 dramas on the bench (and Undercover Boss too), chances for back 9 are almost zilch.
Cancel (confident) It's just too disappointing in a high-profile spot.
CSI probably would have pulled similar numbers to Stalker. That's a bad thing for the newbie since CBS was looking for time period improvement. And not being from the sister company CBS Studios means there's no upside to ordering a backend, let alone 3 more seasons.
Cancel (Confident)
Cancel (confident)
Cancel (Confident)
I'd imagine CBS is disapointed in Stalker's performance given how weak the competition is in the timeslot.
Cancel (confident)
Cancel (confident).
Cancel (confident)
Poor Maggie Q :-(
Cancel Confident
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