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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Question, Wednesday 2/26/14: Does Mixology Have the Right Post-Modern Family Mix?

Tonight's premiere of Mixology after Modern Family is a classic unstoppable force vs. immovable object situation. The unstoppable force? Mixology is going to fail. I can't come up with any good reason to feel otherwise. It's incompatible with Modern, the cast is all no-names, the reviews are lukewarm to bad, the concept is a weird gimmick, and the promos are dumb. (Now I'll tell you how I really feel!) But there's also this immovable object: every single Modern Family lead-out premiere has done pretty well, even incompatible ones. One of these things will win out, resulting in this line being way off, but I have no idea which one. I'm trying to show some respect for the ratings history, but I can't help but feel this could do much worse than any of the previous shows. The incompatible ones in the past at least had good reviews (or Rebel Wilson).

Over/Under: 2.05.

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