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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Spotted Ratings, Saturday 12/8/12

  • With the college football regular season over, Saturdays get even more boring than they already were. But Fox had a strong option for this week with UFC (it peaked in the 10:00 half-hour with a 2.6 demo), and CBS hung in there with some holiday specials. NBC's American Giving Awards barely managed to avoid worst-big-four-ratings-ever levels.


Viewers A18-49 Last LeLa Rank y2yTLa Ty2y
Movie: The Borrowers 2.4 0.5 n/a -62% -74% 0.62
Castle (R) 3.0 0.6 -65% -67% 0.93
Frosty the Snowman (R) 4.2 1.1 -59% -31% 1.44
Frosty Returns (R) 4.1 1.1 +38% -8% 1.49
The Flight Before Christmas 3.9 1.0 -17% +11% -9% 1.27
48 Hours 5.4 1.2 +0%+0% 1/10 -8% +4% -4% 1.56
American Giving Awards 1.6 0.3 +0% -63% -68% 0.37
Law and Order: SVU (R) 2.9 0.6 -40% -56% 0.97
UFC 4.4 2.1 n/an/a 1/1 -30% +22% +8% 2.61

KEY (click to expand)
Viewers - The total number of viewers (age 2+, in millions) that watched the program.
A18-49 - Adults 18-49 rating. Percentage of US TV-owning adults 18-49 watching the program.
Last - A18-49 percent difference from previous episode.
LeLa - A18-49 percent difference between the show's lead-in and its lead-in for the previous episode.
Rank - The A18-49 rating's rank among the show's episodes that have aired so far this season.
y2y - The show's A18-49 rating compared to its rating a year ago.
TLa - The show's A18-49 rating compared to the network's rating in the timeslot one week ago.
Ty2y - The show's A18-49 rating compared to the network's rating in the timeslot one year ago.
True2 - The second edition of True Strength, a metric that adjusts the A18-49 rating for overall viewing levels, competition and lead-in.

(R) - Repeat.

Much more detail on these numbers at the New Daily Spotted Ratings page.

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