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Friday, December 9, 2011

SpotVault - Law & Order: SVU (NBC) - 1999-2000

Law & Order: SVU
Mondays, 9/8c and Fridays, 10/9c, NBC

1999-2000 Original Ratings

Info Ratings
# Day Date Time Length Viewers A18-49 Share
1 Mo 9/20/1999 9:00 1:00 5.4 /
2 Mo 9/27/1999 9:00 1:00 4.9 12
3 Mo 10/4/1999 9:00 1:00 5.0 12
4 Mo 10/11/1999 9:00 1:00 5.4 13
5 Mo 10/18/1999 9:00 1:00
6 Mo 10/25/1999 9:00 1:00 4.7 11
7 Mo 11/15/1999 9:00 1:00 3.6 8
8 Mo 11/22/1999 9:00 1:00
9 Mo 11/29/1999 9:00 1:00
10 Fr 1/7/2000 10:00 1:00 4.8
11 Fr 1/14/2000 10:00 1:00
12 Fr 1/21/2000 10:00 1:00
13 Fr 2/4/2000 10:00 1:00 4.3
14 Fr 2/11/2000 10:00 1:00 6.6
15 Fr 2/18/2000 10:00 1:00
16 Fr 2/25/2000 10:00 1:00
17 Fr 3/31/2000 10:00 1:00
18 Fr 4/14/2000 10:00 1:00
19 Fr 4/28/2000 10:00 1:00 12.84 4.5 14
20 Fr 5/5/2000 10:00 1:00
21 Fr 5/12/2000 10:00 1:00 13.70 5.0 15
22 Fr 5/19/2000 10:00 1:00

KEY (more on these numbers here)
Viewers - The number of total viewers age 2+ (in millions) that watched the program.
A18-49 -The average percentage of TV-owning adults 18-49 that watched the program.
Share - The average percentage of TV-watching adults 18-49 that watched the program.

A few important notes on SpotVault historical pages
My typical shorthand to indicate the difference between a preliminary and final 18-49 rating was that I would not include the share for preliminaries. So that's how I operate on these pages too. The preliminary A18-49 ratings will not be in bold and there will not be a share. In the cases where I have the final rating but not the final share, I'll put a slash ( / ) in the share column and the final rating will still be bold.

These historical records were put together as I was assembling adults 18-49 ratings for the War of 18-49. My top priority by a longshot was 18-49 info, not total viewership info. This means there may be some cases where the viewership is preliminary but the A18-49 rating is final or vice versa. I didn't always clarify whether the viewership was final because I didn't particularly care at the time.

If you have ANY additions or corrections to this info, PLEASE don't hesitate to email me at ed@spottedratings.com. I'd love to make these records as complete as possible.

Yearly Index for 1999-2000 | Next Season (2000-01)

Current Season: Law and Order: SVU

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