Thursday, September 22, 2011

Premiere Week Year-to-Year, Wednesday 9/21/11

Another day of big gains and big losses. Overall, the whole of broadcast is down 1% year-to-year through the first three days of the season. By network, that's ABC +1%, CBS +17%, NBC -29%, Fox +12%, CW (which had repeats Monday) -41%.

title SHOW day/time SLOT previous occupant
The Middle +15% +19%The Middle/Better with You
Modern Family +20% +44%Modern Family/Cougar Town
Revenge n/a +120%The Whole Truth

Survivor -20%
Criminal Minds +2% +2%
CSI -6% Thu 9:00 +10%The Defenders

Up All Night n/a +14%Undercovers
Free Agents n/a -38%Undercovers
Harry's Law n/a -63%Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU -25% Wed 9:00 (2hr) -25%Law & Order: SVU

X Factor Wed n/a +54%Hell's Kitchen

H8R n/a -69%America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model -46% Wed 8:00 -30%Hellcats

HOW TO READ THIS: These are adults 18-49 rating comparisons between the date in the post title and the corresponding night in premiere week 2010. The 'SHOW' column compares each show with how that same show did during premiere week 2010, no matter where it aired in 2010. (If it aired somewhere else, I tell you when in the 'day/time' column.) The 'SLOT' column compares each timeslot's rating with the timeslot's rating on the corresponding night in 2010, no matter what aired there last year. (If it's different, I tell you what it is in 'previous occupant.')

Stats in blue are less accurate due to lack of access to half-hour breakdowns.

Previous posts on corresponding evening: 2010

1 comment:

Igwell said...

I was curious about the nets' TRUE average compared to (the 18-49 ratings).

ABC 4.27 (4.17)
CBS 3.6 (3.5)
NBC 1.88 (1.82)
FOX 4.71 (4.4)
CW 0.55 (0.55)

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